about us
Indian news television continues to attract players like flies to a honeypot. Despite the fact that there are about 51 Hindi and English news channels, 65-70 channels in other regional languages, new ones continue to launch. An estimated 26 channels were in the pipeline in 2011 at the time of writing. Additionally, almost another 135 licenses have been issued. Clearly, the Indian TV news genre is amongst the most vibrant in the world, as it was a couple of years ago. With this growing industry also come issues that need to be addressed.
This years Summit will see an interesting mix of speakers. The theme for the Summit is "Juggling to get the right mix" The Summit will aim to get a government perspective and address the ever-growing issue of regulation. Co-regulation or self-regulation, the big brains behind the news media, government etc. will trash it out at the Summit. The Marathi News Channels, our new addition to the News Channels will also be discussed.
This years Summit will see an interesting mix of speakers. The theme for the Summit is "Juggling to get the right mix" The Summit will aim to get a government perspective and address the ever-growing issue of regulation. Co-regulation or self-regulation, the big brains behind the news media, government etc. will trash it out at the Summit. The Marathi News Channels, our new addition to the News Channels will also be discussed.